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There are many costs associated with the care of wild cats including food, housing, medicine and veterinary care, enrichment, and maintenance.  This exercise focuses on food cost. 


Many factors must be considered when it comes to feeding. Just as with people or domestic pets, the size, weight, sex, and activity level of the individual all play a part.  When dealing with wild cats, observation is a crucial component. The body condition of the animal is monitored and the diet changed as necessary.


For this exercise, we have simplified the process down to a simple equation.  But keep in mind that in reality this is much more complex. 


Use the cost worksheet to calculate the cost of food to feed the different cat species a protein-based diet. Wild cats require a raw, whole carcass diet as the bones provide important nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Look up the cost of bone-in protein (poultry, beef, venison, pork, etc.) and calculate what it costs to feed just one animal for a week and then a year. Compare that to cost of feeding a domestic house cat. 


Can you afford to feed a wild cat?

Lion eating
Orange tabby cat eating
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