This page contains information you might like to know about, such as why dogs are such great reading companions. If you have anything you would like to know more about or you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
But Why Dogs?
It is often a fear and not intellect, that hinders a child's reading progress.
Children may be fearful of reading in front of others or in class. Animals, and in particular dogs, are ideal reading partners because they:
help children relax (when one pets a dog, their blood pressure decreases)
listen attentively
do not judge or criticize the reader
let children read at their own pace
are less intimidating than peers
Children who participate in the See Spot Read program improve not only their reading and communication skills but also build self-esteem, confidence, and social skills.
Prevent Interruptions
You may want to make your own sign (example below) as a gentle reminder to library visitors not to interrupt while you are reading with children. Just place it in a visible spot and you’ll get good results.

Bookmarks for Participants
Many volunteers choose to give out bookmarks to participants that have their dogs picture on them. You are in no way obligated to do so. This is something you may choose to do at your own expense.
If you would like to hand out rewards, bookmarks and stickers are very popular.
Here are some instructions for ordering bookmarks. You can choose any company, this is just one sample for those who may not know how to go about it.
Instructions for Ordering Bookmarks
You may use the See Spot Read logo (shown below), to customize a bookmark with your dog’s picture.
You can right-click the image above and choose Save as Picture or Save Image as (depending on the browser you use).
You’ll also need a picture of your dog in JPG format, which is standard for most cameras. You can crop the image using Microsoft Paint or the tool of your choice if desired.
With the logo and picture accessible, go to or use any service of your choice. These instructions detail using UPrinting specifically.