Forever in our Hearts
As See Spot Read volunteers, we all have felt the joys and satisfaction of seeing the therapy dogs whom we have nurtured, bonded with, and trained make differences in the lives of those we visit in the schools and libraries. Many of our volunteers have felt the pain of saying a final good bye to their beloved companion. We want to recognize these dogs and pay tribute to them and their “pet parents” who have given freely of their time to accomplish the goals of See Spot Read.

Freddie was rescued by Rebecca Hirschfield in 2006. Rebecca and Freddie were the first certified therapy dog team to make visits in Wake County under the See Spot Read “banner”. They were present at Green Road Library for that very first visit. We applaud Rebecca for having a dream for kids reading to dogs in Wake County schools and libraries and for following through to do all of the prerequisites to help set up what is now known as See Spot Read Calendar Events. Thank you, Rebecca, for serving as the first Coordinator and leading over 200 volunteer teams on this wonderful journey to promote literacy through our therapy dogs.
Rebecca writes that after rescuing Freddie, “It quickly became clear that he was destined for a life of laid-back greatness. Despite his 100 lb size, Freddie was very calm, gentle and loving - a perfect fit for therapy work. As the founding dog of See Spot Read, Freddie, was present at the first visits at Green Road Library and many other locations. Freddie loved therapy work, which he continued in Maryland until a couple of weeks before his death in May, 2016.” Freddie also visited teens in an inpatient teen behavioral health facility. Rebecca continues to miss him every day and wants to be sure that others remember him as well. These pictures capture his elegance, size and kind, loving expression. Thank you Freddie and Rebecca!
Rebecca Hirschfield

Beth Cooke Weaver and her Zellie were always a welcome sight at any school or library. Zellie’s size was always a topic of conversation but her sweet and gentle disposition easily won everyone over to be a fan of hers. Beth and Zellie were certified by Canines for Therapy. They became volunteers 2/16/2011 and attended 224 SSR Calendar Events. Beth helped organize the SSR Calendar which still benefits all of us who are currently participating and she helped teach orientation sessions for SSR Calendar Events.
Beth Cooke Weaver

Gail Coles and her lovely Golden Retriever, Kyra, attended See Spot Read events throughout many locations in Wake County. They were certified by Therapy Dogs International. They became SSR volunteers on 6/3/2012 and attended 235 SSR events. Gail has helped organize SSR Calendar Events and assisted with orientation classes. We miss seeing Gail and Kyra and are so appreciative of the role model they provided which helped some of us get started and build our confidence in doing read events with our own therapy dogs.
Gail Coles

Cheryl VanGraafeiland and her handsome Goldendoodle, Bentley, always came to read events eager to meet everyone. Bentley quickly settled down and listened to the children read. The children were amused by his wiggles and smiles and took to him easily. Sorry that Bentley did not have more time with us.
Cheryl writes, “Each visit was memorable with Bentley, the looks on everyone’s face when they saw Bentley as the gentle giant he was, were great. It was a pleasure to share him with so many students, from the little ones to the college students who would lie on the floor & cuddle with him. The last few years we were regulars at Bunn Elementary School where all the students thought he was their school dog. I will miss the visits with everyone, but our paths might cross again in the future.”
The picture of Bentley was taken 12/25/2019 which was 2 days before he passed away.
Cheryl VanGraafeiland

Elizabeth Sandling and her loving Shetland Sheepdog, Nivy, were a popular team when they attended SSR Events. We are so appreciative of the visits they made and the differences they made in the lives of the children who read to them. Elizabeth writes,
“Nivy and I were See Spot Read volunteers from 2014-2019. Nivy was so sweet and gentle, and it was a joy seeing her help children learn to read. The kids would often bring books featuring dogs to read to her and hold the books so Nivy could see the words and pictures. One child even brought a book on Shetland Sheepdogs (her breed) to read to her. It was great to see the children so excited to come read to the dogs. Nivy was a very special girl, and I will always cherish the memories and am grateful she could contribute to See Spot Read. “
The picture is one of Elizabeth’s favorite SSR memories. Nivy met the principal at Baileywick Elementary School on a very stormy day. Nivy had impeccable manners!
Elizabeth Sandling

Linda Pattison, SSR Calendar School Coordinator, sits with her Pia (white) and Vinnie. Pia was a rescue who loved learning new things and she became a therapy dog after graduating from the C.L.A.S.S. program (Canine Life and Social Skills). She earned a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. with Honors in this program. She was later certified through Therapy Dog International.
Age was approximately 9 years. She was diagnosed with a rare disease on 10/11/2018 and passed away on 11/19/2018.
Services provided include 312 SSR events with Linda and Vinnie, monthly visits to the Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill, visits to Total Life Center in Cary and many “de-stress before exam” sessions at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Linda, Pia, and Vinnie attended many rewarding read events on the SSR Calendar. One that stands out was at Salem Elementary where Pia slipped her head under the student’s arm as he was reading and snuggled close to him, whereupon a huge, happy grin appeared on the student’s face.
Linda Pattison
Mark Shear is pictured with his dog, Ozzie. Ozzie was rescued by Mark and his wife on January 22, 2007. He passed away on June 12, 2018 at the approximate age of 13. Ozzie became a certified therapy dog by Canines for Therapy on November 16, 2012.
Years of Service 2012-2018
Number of SSR visits = 71
One of Mark’s favorite memories was just last year at Herbert Akins Elementary School. Ozzie kept snuggling closer to Kerry Parrick, the reading specialist, until he was completely in her lap. As you can see, he was not really lap dog size. Mark was also always amazed at how Ozzie knew the kids in the special ed class at Penny Road and Jordan Lake School of the Arts were special and how appropriately he responded to them.
Mark Shear
Becki Rohrbach and her Golden Retriever, Sierra, were certified by Canines for Therapy in 2015.
Years of Service 2015-2018
Number of SSR visits = 77
Sierra was the sweetest golden retriever with the biggest heart! She loved making people smile; whether it be greeting everyone in the park or waiting for the mail carrier so she could bring in the mail. Sierra especially loved young children! Her excitement grew as she arrived at a See Spot Read event. One of Becki’s fondest memories of Sierra at SSR event was a
little girl who prepared ahead of time by choosing books that she thought Sierra would like to hear. She spoke softly to Sierra as she curled up next to her on the blanket. She read her story and made sure that Sierra saw all the pictures! When it was time to leave, the young child gave Sierra a hug and told her that she'd hope to see her again soon. Becki knows that Sierra lived longer than expected despite her diagnosis because of her will to live and attend SSR read events.
Becki Rohrbach

Brenda Yarborough and her dog Teddy were certified as a Therapy Dog Team by Canines for Therapy. They were also certified by WakeMed and made frequent visits there.
Years of Service-12 years
Number of SSR visits = 278
Brenda shared the memory of this little girl who came to the library to read
to the dogs. She had just lost her dog and was sad. Teddy usually was not
one to let kids hold him. It surprised her that he seemed to be ok with this
girl hugging him and he made her day. Teddy seemed to know when someone needed a hug.
Brenda Yarborough

Rebecca Brady and her Flat Coated Retriever, Sammi(Samantha), became a certified Therapy Dog team in 2010 by Alliance of Therapy Dogs.
2/14/ 2004 – 12/14/2018
Year of Service 10/2010 – 12/2018
Number of SSR visits = 152
Sammi loved all of the hugs, attention, and love she got from the boys and girls who read books to her. No matter how tired or sore she was, when she walked into school or the library for SSR, she got a spring in her step and she perked right up and was always so happy to be at SSR events.
One of Rebecca’s favorite memories is the sweet first grader who was afraid of dogs but came every month to the Holly Springs library with her mom and sister. At first she was very timid and needed a lot of encouragement to touch Sammi's back. Eventually she snuggled right up to her and the other dogs. She even wrote a story about the first time she petted Sammi without help. It was a privilege to be part of helping children love dogs and love to read.
Rebecca Brady

Bob and Phyllis Gould and Bonnie, a yellow Lab, and Bella, a black Lab, were certified by Therapy Dogs International. Both Bonnie and Bella passed away in June, 2018. (pictures not available)
Years of Service 2015-2018
Number of SSR visits = 9
Bob & Phyllis Gould
Bonnie & Bella

Trish Raffel and her German Shepherd Lorelei were a certified therapy dog team by Canines for Therapy. Lorelei was a rescue and was adopted by Trish and her husband, Barry, in 2008.
Years of Service = approximately 6
Number of SSR Visits = approximately 588(an amazing number of visits)
One of Trish’s fondest memories is of how much Lorelei looked like a wolf and how well she wore special costumes to reading events. When kids would see Lorelei, they would say, “Here comes the wolf!” and they ALL wanted to meet her. It was said that Lorelei had the looks of a noble wolf and the demeanor of a sweet, kind lamb.
Trish & Barry Raffel
We say “Thank you” to these amazing volunteers who have shared their hearts and their stories to make this publication possible. You and your canine companions are “Forever in Our Hearts”.